Community Church of Sebastopol

United Church of Christ

Putting our Faith into Action

1000 Gravenstein Hwy North       707.823.2484

Transition Team


The Transition Committee has met now three times, including an hour-long meeting by phone with Drew Nettinga, the associate Conference Minister.

While the scope of our assignment is to look at ALL issues as they might relate to the transition process, our initial focus is on identifying a plan and general timeline for the next year that we can present to the Church Council. Our starting point is Gene’s retirement at the end of April 2016, and we work the plan back from that date.

The First Congregational Church of Berkeley is in a similar transition process with the retirement of their long-time minister. They are in the final selection phase, so they are some months ahead of us and can serve as a valuable model for our planning process. We continue our research this week with committee members talking with folks from the First Berkeley church about their process and lessons learned.

We expect to bring a proposal to the May 27th Church Council meeting outlining a general plan and timeline for the coming year. Our recommendation to the Council will be to accept the proposal at the May meeting, and then spend the next few weeks presenting it to the congregation for review and discussion. We would make adjusts to the plan as needed based on input during this period and then ask the Church Council for final approval at the June meeting.